Development Inches Forward

With this post, I joyfully announce that the development hiatus was unnecessary, as we have overcome our main development obstacle. New tilemaps are now able to be loaded into the game. The only problem is, the player is loaded in at a fixed position in each tilemap. The problem with this, is that if a player is spawned in on the left, goes to the exit on the right, loads into the new map, and then goes back to the initial map, the player will once again appear on the left side of the map, rather than in front of the right exit. I will need to figure out some way to load the player independently of loading the tilemap. After that, Alpha 0.2 will officially be released. If you look closely at the code of Alpha 0.2 when it is released, you may see snippets of features that are to be implemented in 0.3! I'm hoping to get Alpha 0.2 out by the 10th, but I can't promise anything.


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