Playing Around with Ubuntu and C++

I'm not dead! I just had nothing to post for a few days. I gave C# another try earlier today only to become once again pissed off by .NET, VScode, and the different application types (UWP, console, windows form, etc.) so I decided to finally settle on C++ as the programming language I'm going to learn so I can code my dream game. Come to think of it, this is the first time I've mentioned my dream game on this blog. I'll talk about it more in other posts. I had already tried to install a C++ compiler yesterday on Windows but that was incredibly tedious. I decided to install Ubuntu onto a virtual machine and it was much easier to use than Manjaro since I had used Ubuntu for a few years and I hadn't used Manjaro until I ran it on a VM. The warm glow of Ubuntu made me feel very welcome; it felt good to be back on my beloved distro, free of Microsoft's proprietary grasp. I installed the gcc compiler with ease using the apt package manager, the one I was used to unlike pacman in Manjaro. And I must say, thank Woden for whoever invented package managers, those things are the best. At that point I went over to a park to gather with some friends and I was their for longer than anticipated, an entire six hours in fact. So now I'm back home, writing this blog post. Also, just remembered that Nintendo's E3 presentation is in three days so I'm looking forward to finding out what I'm going to be wasting $80 on seeing the games they're going to announce. I'm also looking forward to Valve's presentation so that I can be disappointed at the lack of Half Life 3 see all the cool new changes they're going to be bringing to Steam. I was initially going to have an exam during Nintendo's E3 presentation but luckily exams got cancelled. One last thing before I sign off, I decided that I'm not going to get a Raspberry Pi Zero after all since I can just compile C++ on a VM, so instead I'm going to save up my money for a drum kit unless I waste it all on video games during the Steam summer sale (master chief collection is looking kinda interesting). I'm going to try music tutoring during the summer so we'll see what happens with that.



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