Crazy Collisions

Cambria_alpha_indevbuild_02 is going well! I found a way to eliminate the green dots that were appearing around the sprites. With some help from a more experienced programmer, I was able to implement better AI and a better collision system for the rover enemy. There was a bug that caused the entire program to freeze when a rover entered its "idle" state. There was also a bug that would cause the rovers to speed across the map and flicker intensely. There were also several instances of rovers locking themselves into one place, usually a corner. Finally, there was a glitch that caused the rovers to jitter around when idle or when they were colliding with a block. I kind of liked this feature as it made them seem more robotic, but it was ultimately patched.

Next, I'm going to add a trigger system that causes different maps to load when the player exits the currently loaded level. At that point I'll be ready to release the second alpha build. Expect it to be released on Github on Canada Day, although a delay is definitely possible.


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