Cambria Alpha Indevbuild 01 Now Available!

I switched back to PyGame after having too many problems with Java. I got to work on a pre-alpha build with the help of ShawCode's tutorials. The pre-alpha build was temporarily available on GitHub, but was deleted once I published the first alpha build.

Here's a list of changes in the first alpha build compared to its predecessor, the pre-alpha:

-Added block collision
-Added player animation
-Added rover enemy, rover AI, rover animation, and rover collision
-Added intro and game over screens

There are two glitches present in cambria_alpha_indevbuild_01 that I'm aware of. The most obvious one is the green dots around the player and rover sprites. The image rendering system I'm using doesn't recognize image transparency, so it just renders it as black. I filled the transparency in my spritesheets with (0, 255, 0) and I used a colour key feature to eliminate the green that surrounded the sprites. As you can see if you play the alpha build, it isn't 100% effective. I speculate that the green dots are caused by the application I'm using to draw these sprites. Whenever I export a sprite with transparency and several frames as a gif, it exports with these yellow dots in the transparency that change position with every frame. I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to fix this, but I have a few ideas that I might implement in future builds. It's also possible that there's a recent glitch in PyGame itself that causes the dots, but I find that highly unlikely.

The second glitch is not visible to the player, as I implemented a cheap and lazy fix for it. When a rover enemy collides with a block, it immobilizes and starts flashing rapidly. To fix this, I just adjusted their spawn positions on the tilemap to make sure they never collided with a block. This is temporary, of course, as eventually their AI will become more complex and they will inevitably collide with blocks in other maps.

Here is a list of things I want to add in cambria_alpha_indevbuild_02:

-Better rover AI
-Trigger blocks that render in new maps

Here is a list of things I want to add before the beta stage:

-Health and armour
-Weapons and attacks
-Friendly NPCs
-Structures that you can enter
-Enemies that fire projectiles


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